Here at Rooted Dental Wellness, we provide a functional, structural, esthetic, biological, and holistic state of well-being to each and every patient. We believe this approach is essential to an individual’s general health and quality of life. Looking in the mouth can tell us a lot about someone’s systemic overall health. Certain oral health conditions can be indicative of nutritional deficiencies, systemic disease, microbial/viral/fungal infections, autoimmune disorders, and even cancer. For a long time in dentistry, there has been an approach similar to playing Whac-A-Mole; treating each tooth’s issue individually, ignoring the environment, putting a Band-Aid on the problem, and waiting until the next issue arises, and hitting it with another Band-Aid. More times than not, there is no communication between dentists and other doctors and health care professionals about a patient’s treatment. A number of recent reports have clearly established the urgency for oral health to be better integrated into overall health. In fact, Healthy People 2020 (a project of the U.S. government’s Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion), has identified a key area of public health improvement needed to include “an increased awareness of the importance of oral health to the overall health and well- being of a person”. Therefore, at Rooted Dental Wellness, what sets us apart is our focus on the root cause of the issue (no pun intended), with an integrated approach to communication with your medical team, Our practice philosophy is to treat the oral cavity as an organ because the mouth is incredibly insightful to a person's overall health. It is one of the few organs in the body with direct noninvasive access and often displays signs and symptoms about the status of one's immune system, organs, or active/chronic infections. By taking a full-body approach, oral medicine allows us to target the underlying systemic condition instead of solely treating and managing side effects. This means if you have a gum or tooth infection, we are not going to just treat the symptoms (as these are just side effects of another issue), instead, we will investigate and find treatment for the underlying infection that is causing the disease and symptoms. This helps our patients come back for their follow-up visits in better oral health, saving them the frustration and expense of ongoing dental treatment.

We look forward to you becoming part of the Rooted family,

Dr. Estevan Tinoco DDS
Ashley Beels MA, RDH, OMT