Dr. Susan Cane, DDS and Airway Mouth Doctor TM
Dr. Susan Cane is one of our dentists here at Rooted Dental Wellness who focuses on the whole health of the patient through her airway-centric practices. Dr. Cane is a graduate of UCLA School of Dentistry and is also a certified Airway Mouth Doctor. Dr. Cane is very passionate about what she does and takes pride in treating the oral contributions to the many symptoms of an airway-impaired mouth.
Dr. Cane is the only dentist on the Central Coast offering the innovative Epigenetic Oral Therapy as an orthopedic approach to care. Based on the work of Dr. Felix Liao, who coined the term “Impaired Mouth Syndrome”, removable appliance therapy helps to restore a deficiently sized mouth and upper jaw, which is at the root of many dental, joint, muscular, facial and whole-body health issues. The therapy is collaborative with oral myofunctional therapy in order to create the breakthroughs patients have with the EOT treatment. Doing oral myofunctional therapy alongside the EOT treatment and appliances ensures proper tongue posture and optimal results of the appliance. Combined with a bone-building diet, improved alignment, growth and expansion of the jaws, and opening of the airway, the EOT therapy is an option for a patient of any age.
The EOT appliance device is worn 14-16 hours per day, helping to improve malocclusion, Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction, body misalignment, constricted airway, poor sleep, body/muscular pain, headaches, fatigue, and many other symptoms associated with an impaired mouth.
Dr. Cane’s assessment and treatment involves pivoting from the teeth to the WHOLE MOUTH to treat the root cause of many underlying chronic health issues caused by a possible defective infrastructure of the body. When the mouth is misaligned, improperly functioning, too small, underdeveloped, infected, or impaired, the whole body can suffer. Dr. Cane addresses the mouth’s structural contributions to the overall body’s health, which is integrally involved with: Alignment, Breathing, Circulation, Digestion, Energy, and Sleep.
A “holistic mouth” is one with large enough jaws to easily accommodate all its vital functions stated above (A,B,C,D,E,S). Together with an untethered and functional tongue to maintain and support the structure of the mouth and airway, the whole body can THRIVE. Tongue-tie and tongue-thrust therapy is offered at our practice, Untethered: Oral Myofunctional Therapy Center.